Pob zeb caj npab tau nruab rau Carter 395
Saib Ntau Dua
Diamond arm is an excavator accessory used in road construction projects, specially used for excavating cracked rocks, medium-strong wind fossils, hard clay, shale and karst landforms. Los ntawm kev tsim txiaj ntawm nws cov haujlwm muaj zog, nws zoo heev txhim kho lub efficieviency kev siv pob zeb.
Kev Tsim Kho Lub Tsev
Diamond arm is an excavator accessory used in house construction projects, which is specially used to excavate cracked rocks, medium-strong wind fossils, hard clay, shale and karst landforms. Nrog nws cov haujlwm muaj zog, nws zoo heev txhim kho lub efficieviciency ntawm pob zeb tawg siv.
Kev khawb av
Permafrost stripping
Tus King Kong Npab yog ib tug muaj zog excavator tshwj xeeb siv rau cov av khov. Nws lub zog muaj zog thiab kev ua haujlwm siab tau muab kev pab zoo rau cov kev khawb thiab cov peev txheej kev txhim kho.